Digital, innovative, academic education

European Association for Educational Technology in Higher Education

EdTech-U e.V. offers a forum for developers and providers of EdTech in the field of higher education and for universities that use EdTech.

Educational technology highly attractive

Digital learning is a market of the future

The education technology (EdTech) sector has grown strongly in recent years and is therefore an attractive international and national education market, as the management consultancy PwC recently found. Between 2015 and 2019, venture capital investments in education technology in Europe increased significantly, among other things. VC investments in education technology companies reached a record high of around EUR 570 million in 2019 and grew by 52.1% between 2015 and 2019 (PwC 2020).

The academic literature on education management (with a focus on higher education management) clearly describes the trend towards digitalization and has done so for several years (Dittler & Kreidel, 2017). The discussion in the literature about the “university of the future” (Ehlers, 2017) also clearly points in the direction of a consistent and comprehensive digitalization of academic education.

Digital, innovative
academic education

Internationally and also in large parts of Germany, the trend towards digital, innovative academic education has been in full swing for many years.


EdTech-U e.V. offers a forum for developers and providers of EdTech in the field of higher education and for universities that use EdTech.


We want to be the association for educational technology at universities across Europe in order to accelerate the digital transformation.


In close co-operation with EDUvation and the European Edtech Alliance (EEA), we form the chapter for universities: "EdTech-U" literally.

Demand for digital programs is steadily increasing

Findings from the Distance Learning Report (BIBB 2022), the Stifterverband (Higher Education Report 2020 and the Distance Learning Trend Study (IUBH 2023) also show that the demand in academic education for flexible and therefore digital programs is steadily increasing. Visions including the use of artificial intelligence (Handke 2017) in higher education – currently fueled by the publication of ChatGPT & Co. – have been considered and discussed for years but are currently (still) rarely (systematically) implemented.

It is becoming clear that higher education will be a digital education in the future, in which all sub-processes will also (have to) be considered and possibly implemented as digital alternatives if an academic education program wants to be future-proof (Brüggemann & Schmitz 2024).

Shaping digital transformation

The work of EdTech-U e.V. is aimed at the following points, among others

Focus on universities & HEI

HEI & universities - both public and private - are a separate field of activity with very specific target groups and framework conditions. The association focuses on this particular field of education.

Scientific foundation

The association works closely with science and research on evidence-based educational technology solutions and on scientific research into the educational technology of the future.

Innovative technology

The European Association for Educational Technology in Higher Education e.V. supports the continuous development of innovative technologies and provides test environments, among other things.

Legal certainty

The development and implementation of educational technology at universities requires a legally secure framework. The association promotes the exchange between legal, technical and educational science interests.

Quality management

The association strives for continuous quality management in dialogue with provider and user groups in order to further professionalize the EdTech sector at universities.


The association is committed to a "give and take" culture among its members. No member has to "reinvent the wheel" and although both the universities and the EdTech companies are often in competition with each other, they are all in the same boat.

Business development

From start-up consulting to support for established providers, the association has the development and expansion of the EdTech sector in its sights and with its goal.


Political framework conditions are currently inhibiting or preventing the innovative (further) development of the EdTech sector at universities in a number of places. This is where we need to fight for awareness of our situation and conditions for sustainable design, and this is what the association stands for!

Become a member now

Exclusive benefits for
(associate) members

Associate members can be natural persons or legal entities. The application for membership must be made in writing. Simply send an informal email to

Whether you are an interested individual, company or institution, membership of the EdTech-U e.V. association is always worthwhile.

Application syndicate

Joint application for R&D projects at EU and country level

Networking events

Networking between provider and user groups as well as relevant stakeholder groups


Advice for our members on individual cases


Workshops on all topics related to EdTech


Regular meetings with political decision-making levels for dialogue

A strong community

EdTech-U is the association for educational technology at universities across Europe

Membership fees

Become part of EdTech-U e.V. the European association for educational technology at universities

In 2024 & 2025 the minimum membership fee is EUR 100.00 p.a. If a member joins within the second half of the year, the minimum membership fee will be reduced to EUR 50.00 for the expiring year. For the years from 2026 onwards, the General Assembly will agree on a graduated regulation in a scale of fees, the minimum contributions of which may not differ from the following limits.

Natural persons

Individual members




Individual members




& Higher Education Institutes




and other legal entities




founded a maximum of 3 years prior to application

